Support, Community, and Connection: The Ongoing Impact of Israeli Community Services

Support, Community, and Connection: The Ongoing Impact of Israeli Community Services

“I met Aliza, an Israeli woman living in Seattle, after she had experienced an unimaginable loss when her husband passed away and she became a single mother to three small kids,” shares Sigal Bujman, coordinator for the JFS Israeli Community Services (ICS) program, a pilot program established as a response to the events of October…

Caring for our Caregivers

Caring for our Caregivers

The mission of JFS calls us to support the well-being, health, and stability of people in our community. November is National Family Caregiver Month, bringing recognition to family caregivers who spend countless hours and enormous energy taking care of their loved ones, usually at the expense of their own health and well-being. “It just snuck…

Each of Us Has a Name

Each of Us Has a Name

By Rabbi Will Berkovitz, CEO “Each of us has a name given by God and given by our parents. Each of us has a name given by our stature and our smile…Each of us has a name given by the sea and given by our death.” – Zelda Michael* died at the end of December…

Welcoming the Stranger this Refugee Shabbat: Alima’s Story

Welcoming the Stranger this Refugee Shabbat: Alima’s Story

Each year, JFS joins with communities across the US and the world to observe Refugee Shabbat. The global initiative, spearheaded by the international Jewish humanitarian organization HIAS, encourages synagogues, other community organizations, and individuals to dedicate a Shabbat experience to reaffirming support for refugees. “Shabbat is a day of rest, but Refugee Shabbat is a…

Looking Back, Looking Forward: 2021 in Review

Looking Back, Looking Forward: 2021 in Review

We are astounded by the generosity, resilience, and selflessness we witnessed this past year.

Socialization for Survivors:  The Importance of Human Connection

Socialization for Survivors: The Importance of Human Connection

On January 27, the world memorialized both the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz and Holocaust Remembrance Day. As we honor the countless lives lost to senseless hate and intolerance, it is also a time of celebrating survivors and the lives they’ve built despite unimaginable trauma. For many survivors of trauma, turning inwards is…

Jewish Family Service

JFS is a 501(c)(3)

(206) 461-3240