Thank You!

Thank You!

Thanks to all the individuals, families, congregations, schools and community groups that contributed to the success of the 2015 JFS Community-Wide Food Drive and Food Sort. The 35,000 pounds of donated food and toiletries will fill over 2,000 bags of groceries for vulnerable people. We are grateful to the nearly 300 people of all ages…

Explaining Hunger to Children

Explaining Hunger to Children

In our work at JFS, we often think about how to explain the issues our clients face to children. With the Food Drive and Food Sort  quickly approaching, this question came up again. How can we help our young volunteers understand concepts like hunger and food insecurity? They proudly come to the Food Sort, drop…

Missing the Mark on Mental Illness

Missing the Mark on Mental Illness

Learn more about upcoming support groups or events with JFS. During the past few years I have made an effort to reconnect with former students and old friends. Many common themes arose over the course of these conversations, including a topic rarely discussed in public Jewish spaces. I have lost track of the number of…

A Selfless Mitzvah

A Selfless Mitzvah

Aviva Lyss-Loren, a rising 3rd grader at Seattle Jewish Community School, approached JFS this summer about a special donation. Here’s the story on this 9-year-old and her creative, self-initiated mitzvah. Tell us about your donation. I gave JFS stuff that people would need moving in somewhere or if they didn’t have a house. I bought blankets, pillows, toiletries, and…

A Partnership of Faith

A Partnership of Faith

Families fall into homelessness for many different reasons: loss of a job, huge medical bills, divorce, domestic violence, foreclosure. Any one disaster can mean the loss of a home. When that happens, the first step is to find temporary shelter and other support to keep the family together and stabilize the children. Then comes the…

Feeding the Heart & Soul

Feeding the Heart & Soul

…Jewish tradition recognizes a meal as a time for intimacy, fellowship, and significant conversation… Because eating creates intimacy amongst people it creates opportunities for encounters of the intellect and the soul… Rabbi Yehiel E. Poupko I was blessed to experience the gift of an intimate table as a child. Then as an adult, my husband…

Jewish Family Service

JFS is a 501(c)(3)

(206) 461-3240