I Pledge Allegiance

I Pledge Allegiance

“I am thankful to the USA who took us into this country and gave us the possibility to live a peaceful life.” – Anna Voskanova Could you pass the test to become a United States citizen? You’d have to correctly answer 6 out of 10 questions like these: The House of Representatives has how many…

Are We Morally Failing Our Kids? Part 1

Are We Morally Failing Our Kids? Part 1

Researchers at Harvard have figured out something about parents that we ourselves might not know or else not be willing to admit: While most of us say we highly value instilling moral concepts like kindness toward others and a sense of fairness in our children, in action and deed it appears we often put the…

Reflections on a Career at JFS

Reflections on a Career at JFS

Executive Assistant & Board Liaison Julie Olson started working at JFS in 1980. This year, we celebrate both her 35th anniversary and retirement on June 19. Julie graciously spoke with us about her extraordinary tenure. How did you end up working at JFS? My father’s family was Jewish but not very religious. When my uncle…

Poetry From Young Refugees and Immigrants

Poetry From Young Refugees and Immigrants

JFS resettles people from across the globe and serves over 80 young refugees a year. Many are enrolled in English Language Learner programs in Kent and Tukwila. Tukwila’s Foster High School, one of the most language diverse schools in the nation, is home to the poetry workshop known as the Stories of Arrival: Youth Voices Poetry Project. Most of…

From Baku to Bellevue

From Baku to Bellevue

After my marriage in 1956, I lived in the city of Baku, Azerbaijan, located on the shore of the Caspian Sea. Baku, a place on the border of Europe and Asia, was a beautiful site with many buildings in European and Asian styles. A lot of people of different nationalities lived there, and there were…

Four Facts for Food Stamps

Four Facts for Food Stamps

When I began my internship with the Solutions to Senior Hunger program last September, all I could have told you about food stamps was that they existed. However, I believe in knowing what I represent, and since my internship with JFS is outreach to help people sign-up for the government’s Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP),…

Jewish Family Service

JFS is a 501(c)(3)

(206) 461-3240