Get Involved this MLK Day

Get Involved this MLK Day

Make this holiday more than just a day off. Help the community by joining in United Way of King County’s Day of Caring, or connect to the day’s deeper meeting with a discussion led by the folks at Jconnect. If you are interested in a more long-term volunteer opportunity, contact Director of Volunteer Services Jane…

Lighting up Someone’s Life

Lighting up Someone’s Life

We asked some of our generous donors a few questions about their support of the Chanukah Tzedakah Program. Here’s what they had to say…   Why do you choose to donate to the JFS Chanukah Tzedakah Program?  “It’s a simple thing to do that I hope can make a bit of a difference in someone’s…

Shabbat Is Better with Friends

Shabbat Is Better with Friends

Every Friday night, a group of SAJD Supported Living Program clients and staff gather in a client’s home to celebrate Shabbat. The host and location change every week, but the traditions remain the same. Friends come together to light candles and say blessings over grape juice and challah. Holding these dinners in a home creates…

Our Food Bank Community

Our Food Bank Community

It is 9:45 on Wednesday morning, clients are lined up outside, and I am pulling a pallet loaded with produce up the sidewalk and into the Polack Food Bank. It looks like a busy day, and the last thing I need is for something to go wrong. Naturally that is exactly what happens. The pallet jack…

Sunday Social Builds Community

Sunday Social Builds Community

Seattle’s beloved Seahawks are in the heart of the season, and the SAJD Supported Living Program’s Sunday social group is following them as avidly as ever, regularly gathering for football food and game-watching. “Social isolation is one the biggest challenges people with cognitive disabilities face,” says SAJD SLP Director Rachael Kwong. “Our Sunday social group is…

Think Global, Act Local

Think Global, Act Local

Think global. This fascinating infographic from our partners at HIAS encapsulates the scope of the worldwide refugee crisis. Act local. Here’s a snapshot of the refugee resettlement plight here in our Puget Sound region. Before being resettled by JFS, the Ali family spent 23 years in Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya, which is just above…

Jewish Family Service

JFS is a 501(c)(3)

(206) 461-3240