

As the High Holidays begin, Beth Huppin considers Will Berkovitz’s Why Stories Matter and offers some reflections and questions to spark conversation at your holiday table and throughout the year. Shana Tovah! “My kids are far away from the world of my childhood and further still from that of my parents and grandparents. I wonder…

Shofar Showcase

Shofar Showcase

Jon Lellelid, also known as the “Master Blaster,” blows the shofar for the Sha’arei Tikvah Rosh Hashanah service held each year. This warm and eclectic volunteer has been performing since 2003 at Temple De Hirsh Sinai. Lellelid holds degrees in Music Education and Trombone Performance, but his musical talent lay dormant until 2002 when he…

Navigating the Highway to America: A Refugee Story

Navigating the Highway to America: A Refugee Story

Hear Mitra tell her story in this KUOW interview. On a hot summer day in a city in the north of Iran, my husband and I decided to move out from Iran after fighting for a long time with a hardship life. After the revolution of Iran, our beliefs prevented us from accessing education or…

Following Along in the Food Bank

Following Along in the Food Bank

Nathan Hale High School student Isaac Alter spent two spring days at JFS as part of an “Author of Change” school project. Hale sophomores shadow people in the community who are working to make a social difference, and then the students write reflective papers about their experiences. Alter chose JFS because of family connections to the agency….

Food Bank Summer Wrap Up

Food Bank Summer Wrap Up

Before summer officially ends, we want to share some of the locavore, organic goodness that’s been on the Food Bank menu this season. Our goal is to do more than simply hand out bags of groceries; it’s about constantly finding new ways for people to have access to fresh, local food. It’s also about keeping…

Catching Up on Lost Years

Catching Up on Lost Years

My favorite classes in Iraq were geography, history and sociology. I always wanted to study other countries’ civilizations, especially how they lived. My teachers were not great. Our curriculum was pretty outdated. There was special treatment of those students who could pay for additional classes. But like the other kids, I found the subjects that…

Jewish Family Service

JFS is a 501(c)(3)

(206) 461-3240