Kosher for Passover Foods in the Polack Food Bank

Kosher for Passover Foods in the Polack Food Bank

Gefilte fish, matzoh ball soup mix, farfel and other kosher for Passover foods fill the shelves of the Polack Food Bank before the holiday each year. While the Food Bank provides a monthly opportunity for individuals and families who keep a kosher kitchen, the offering before Passover has an additional significance, explained Food Bank Manager…

#Metoo and Domestic Violence

#Metoo and Domestic Violence

#Metoo and domestic violence (DV) have become interwoven conversations in the work of Project DVORA and Counseling & Addiction Services, where issues of sexual abuse and sexual violence regularly arise. Experiences of and reactions to the #metoo movement have been complicated for DV survivors, so we asked Liz Coleclough, Director of Project DVORA and Counseling…

Russian-Speaking Older Adults and Jewish Holiday Celebrations

Russian-Speaking Older Adults and Jewish Holiday Celebrations

Russian-speaking older adults are increasingly becoming clients of Jewish Family Service. Adam Halpern, Director of Older Adult Services, answered some questions to help us learn more about the 2017-18 holiday events that JFS and its partners are providing for this particular part of our Jewish community. The Passover Celebration for Russian Seniors is Wednesday, April…

Jewish Family Service

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(206) 461-3240