Facing the Challenges of Transition: Part 1

Facing the Challenges of Transition: Part 1

Fall can be a time of big transition in the life of young adults. Some are headed off to college for the first time; others are returning to school and facing newer, bigger academic and social challenges. For recent graduates from high school, college or grad school, fall is often the time when it truly…

The Caregiver Squeeze

The Caregiver Squeeze

I came to JFS this past year because I was maxed out. Like many of us in the “sandwich generation,” I’m caring for a lot of people I love. I’m the caregiver for frail, elderly parents who are still living in their own home. My adult daughter moved back in with me and my spouse….

The Shaming Self-Talk Epidemic

The Shaming Self-Talk Epidemic

I’m never going to find love. I’m not smart enough to apply for college, so why should I even bother? I don’t take care of my family like I should – every other mother out there is better than me. I should put this cheeseburger down, I’m already too fat. Abusive and shaming self-talk is…

In Their Shoes

In Their Shoes

The facts are startling. One in three teens has experienced some form of abuse in his or her relationship. Abuse in teen relationships is often expressed differently than in adult relationships, which can make it hard to recognize. Because awareness is one of the best forms of prevention, Project DVORA runs several workshops to teach…

Jewish Family Service

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