Helping Those Who Need Us Most

Blueprint_rgb-webThe autumn Jewish holidays give us an opportunity to recommit to our highest values and best selves. Many of us use this time to reflect and also to plan for the coming year. Here at JFS, we’ve been doing the same.

In the spring, a group of Board Members and staff came together during a four-day retreat to refresh the JFS mission. The goal was to renew our sense of ownership in the agency and help focus JFS on the outcomes that will best serve our community and those in need. At this special time of year and in that spirit of commitment, we are excited to present the new mission and approach for Jewish Family Service.

JFS helps vulnerable individuals and families in the Puget Sound region achieve well-being, health and stability.

Jewish history and values guide our work; therefore, we provide effective services to people of all backgrounds and also have a responsibility to meet the particular needs of Jewish individuals and families in the region.

The mission and approach are aligned with our heritage and provide practical guidance to help JFS meet ever greater challenges. Our belief that repair of the world includes acts of loving-kindness towards people of all backgrounds is clear. Our unwavering commitment to the well-being of our Jewish family is affirmed.

Writing the mission and approach was the first step in a planning process that will take approximately a year. As we write this, the strategic planning committee and staff are defining the positive life-outcomes JFS will focus on helping our clients achieve and the indicators we will use to measure our progress. Next, we will create the operating plan that will provide practical steps and structures to ensure we reach our goals.

These planning efforts are a reflection of the dedicated spirit of our greater community. At JFS, we have the privilege of working with staff whose daily acts of compassion powerfully impact the lives of others. We are grateful to them and to the members of our Board who give their precious time and incomparable expertise. In each generation, for a remarkable 122 years, the people in this community have always made sure that JFS is the outstretched, helping hand for those who need it most.

Will_GailBy Will Berkovitz and Gail Mautner
Will is the JFS Chief Executive Officer and Gail is President of the JFS Board of Directors.

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