This is What a Community of Caring Looks Like

On Friday, May 10, we hosted our annual Community of Caring Luncheon. What a gathering! Nearly 800 of us attended—each table filled with friends, family members, and colleagues. And as our CEO Rabbi Will Berkovitz shared after the event,

“As I scanned the crowd, I didn’t just see faces, I saw relationships. The hundreds of people there [today] embody thousands of relationships. And it is relationships that enable us to move steadfastly through these troubling times and courageously forward toward an uncertain future.”

This is what community looks like.   

We are uplifted and inspired by the ways our community consistently shows up for each other and those who need our help. Together, we welcome the stranger, we nourish families, we connect people who feel isolated, and we keep people safe and housed. When people like Jean and Simon, Aurelia, and those in our community who need support to escape an abusive relationship with the help of Project DVORA turn to JFS, we can ensure they feel welcomed and valued, regardless of their struggles or circumstances.

Watch these stories in our videos below:


This is what putting our values in action looks like.  

We are grateful for every one of you who shows up for JFS, whether you were able to join us for the Luncheon in-person, virtually or not. We are also thankful for all who made it possible to bring our community together that day: our chairs, Judy and Joe Schocken, our generous sponsors, and our dedicated staff and volunteers.

We encourage you to watch Will’s remarks at the Luncheon, offering us all a way to engage the light and look to each other for connection and unity, during these difficult times. Thank you for being here with us, for our community, and on this path to create the world we want to see for all.


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