“Until the great mass of the people shall be filled with the sense of responsibility for each other’s welfare, social justice can never be attained.” – Hellen Keller
What is social justice? Social evokes concepts of networks, relationships and community while justice speaks to rights, fairness and equality.
Here at JFS, we often discuss this complex concept and what it means for our work. We grew curious about how people in our community would define the term, so we spent a sunny Capitol Hill day asking our neighbors, “What does social justice mean to you?”

Join our conversation. Leave a comment telling us what social justice means to you.
Meghann Wiedl is an anthropologist, lifelong artist and photographer and uses these passions in her social justice work. Outside of work, Meghann enjoys having impromptu dance parties in the kitchen and nerding out about design and science fiction.
Kevin Lugo works as a Food Bank Specialist in the Polack Food Bank where he runs the day-to-day operations and oversees the delivery of groceries to homebound clients. Kevin is an avid cyclist, volunteers with Bike Works and Cascade Bicycle Club and loves to experiment in the kitchen.