A Fond Farewell

Sarah BGeriatric Case Manager Sarah Barash is retiring from JFS after 31 years of service. We sat down with her to reminisce about her early years at the agency and learn about what’s next for her.

How did you end up working at JFS?

After my children reached junior high, I decided to return to school to earn a Master’s Degree in Counseling at Seattle University. I joined the staff of JFS in February of 1985. At that time, there were 15 of us! As the Program Director, I spent the majority of my time providing case management, managing the Friendly Visitor Program and organizing the Food Bank – which was a small closet back then.

What’s kept you at JFS for so many years?

I fully believe in helping the less fortunate and the mission of JFS speaks to that. I understand and relate to the population, and I’ve built a lot of trust with my clients. Easing their aging and becoming a part of their family means a great deal to me. Oftentimes, I might be their only contact to the outside world, and I have helped many through very difficult times in their lives. It’s a true mitzvah to be able to give back like this.

What is your most memorable client story?

I had a Holocaust survivor client who was extremely isolated. He came to the United States from Ukraine and never married nor had children. He’d had made a plan to escape the concentration camp with his two brothers but when he arrived to their meeting place, they never showed up. He lived in the woods alone for the remainder of the war, hiding in trees.

When I connected with him, he had many health issues and kept to himself. He had no one. We worked very hard to find him a connection in the community and eventually found a gentleman that was able to engage with him as a friend. We collaborated for many years to help this client out. He had a very dignified and caring life until the end. I arranged for a Jewish burial with a headstone and attended his funeral, along with many other JFS staff members. I just wanted to make sure he was not lost.

Sarah is certainly leaving a legacy. In addition to the wise guidance she has provided our team, she also built our services to Holocaust survivors. It is inspiring that even in the last few months, she found new resources for local low-income survivors. I can’t thank her enough for all she has done. Adam Haplern, Director of Aging in Place

What’s next for you?

I’m looking forward to having more time to myself. I’ve got an interest in art that I’d like to explore, and exercise and health are high on my list, too. I also look forward to traveling more to see my family.

IMG_8896-2By Leslie Sugiura
Savvy cook, extreme clam digger, urban gardener and mom to Stella the dog are just a few of the titles Leslie Sugiura keeps in rotation. She’s also the Director of Special Events for JFS where she spearheads the annual Community of Caring Luncheon.

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