A Salute to Harley Marine Services

Harley Marine ServicesLela & Harley Franco 040 was recognized as the Outstanding Philanthropic Corporation at National Philanthropy Day.The company received the honor for its strong corporate giving culture and philanthropy to children’s, health and human service organizations.

JFS has a long history with Harley Marine Services (HMS) and its founders, Lela and Harley Franco. They exhibit compassion and generosity that goes above and beyond to serve the community in which they live and work.

“We have the privilege and honor to partner with many generous individuals and businesses, but HMS stands out as a true leader of the pack,” says JFS CEO Will Berkovitz. “Harley and Lela are ‘can do’ people. They put their heart and soul into the people and organizations they care about.”

HMS has been a major sponsor of the JFS Community of Caring Luncheon for the past six years, and Harley and Lela have personally supported the cause in a significant way for over 15 years.

“We are honored to be recognized as a great community neighbor and supporter,” say the Francos. “Our company and its employees have really embraced a culture of philanthropy where people truly care about people. They believe in what we do and step up again and again to donate their time, money and energy to such important causes in the community. Their generous spirit ties back into everything we do.”

Congratulations to Harley Marine Services and Lela and Harley Franco!

IMG_8896-2By Leslie Sugiura
Savvy cook, extreme clam digger, urban gardener and mom to Stella the dog are just a few of the titles Leslie Sugiura keeps in rotation. She’s also the Director of Special Events for JFS where she spearheads the annual Community of Caring Luncheon.

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