Committed to Climb Together

Committed to Climb Together

Listen to the 2019 Luncheon remarks from Rabbi Will Berkovitz, CEO of Jewish Family Service. Back when I thought I was immortal, I liked to go climbing in the Cascades. Today, I prefer to limit my vertical exposure to air travel, a nice chairlift and maybe watching a climbing movie like “Free-Solo.” People who aren’t…

The Answer to “Who Will Be For Me?”

The Answer to “Who Will Be For Me?”

Our ancestors understood the importance of community implicitly as our tradition was built on the belief that we can’t separate ourselves from each other and hope to survive. As a community, we are all tied to each other and responsible for one another. Our work is inextricably bound to three questions from the tradition: If…

A Partnership That Supports College Students

A Partnership That Supports College Students

It is not easy to be a college student today. Couple all of the stresses you may remember from your college days — relationships, exams — with what’s happening on social media and in the outside world, and it takes a toll on a lot of people. Jewish students are no exception. “We’re just seeing,…

JFS Advocay Day: Legislation Has Impacts

JFS Advocay Day: Legislation Has Impacts

Preventing evictions, removing barriers to vital assistance and providing funding for naturalization services were the focus at JFS Advocacy Day in Olympia on March 14, 2019. Each year, JFS staff and volunteers advocate for important issues and policies that impact our work and communities. JFS serves a wide range of individuals and families, including domestic…

A Response to New Zealand: We Should Not Accept These Horrid Deeds as “Normal”

A Response to New Zealand: We Should Not Accept These Horrid Deeds as “Normal”

I received a message at 4:00 a.m. this morning. It was from a person we work with in Emergency Services. He called to express sadness and concern after the murders at the mosques in New Zealand. It was a remarkable call for its humanity, compassion and the recognition that a mass murder at a mosque…

JFS Welcomes a New Director of Supportive Living Services

JFS Welcomes a New Director of Supportive Living Services

Rosemary D’Agrosa is a licensed independent clinical social worker who began her career 20 years ago providing counseling and case management in community health centers. Now, she is the Director of Supportive Living Services at Jewish Family Service. Rosemary comes to JFS from Neighborcare Health where she was most recently a project manager for multiple departments,…

Jewish Family Service

JFS is a 501(c)(3)

(206) 461-3240