Echoes From the Canyon: A Message From Our CEO

Echoes From the Canyon: A Message From Our CEO

I am more convinced than ever for the need to create more space for reflection and conversation—to understand the lived experiences that mold opinions.

Learning to Sing the Song of Ourselves

Learning to Sing the Song of Ourselves

What are we to do with our multiplicity, which is at the essence of our very humanity? I wonder how different our society would be if we started with, “let us be who we will be.”

How to DIY Volunteer With JFS!

How to DIY Volunteer With JFS!

As we continue to safely social distance during COVID-19, we’ve compiled a list of creative volunteer ideas to make a difference in our community. Join us!

A Legacy of Loving Kindness: Introducing the Tina B. Novick Jewish Holidays Basket Endowment Fund

A Legacy of Loving Kindness: Introducing the Tina B. Novick Jewish Holidays Basket Endowment Fund

We are pleased to announce the Tina B. Novick Jewish Holidays Basket Endowment Fund, a permanent way to honor Tina Novick’s life and a lasting legacy that will multiply upon itself to serve the community for years to come.

Healing Our Fractures: An Election Message From Our CEO

Healing Our Fractures: An Election Message From Our CEO

The act of service isn’t just a noun that we receive; it is also a verb—an action that we are called to do.

A Sukkot message from our CEO.

A Sukkot message from our CEO.

What Yom Kippur is to the spirit, Sukkot is to the body.

Jewish Family Service

JFS is a 501(c)(3)

(206) 461-3240