Shavuot Values for Preschoolers

164083924_c63b88b94c_oShavuot is a largely ignored and often forgotten Jewish holiday. (Except, of course, for the license it gives to eat dairy products. We’re talking serious cheesecake here.) But the holiday commemorates a very important event: the giving of the 10 Commandments to Moses on Mt. Sinai. The biblical story associated with Shavuot, the Book of Ruth, gives us a phenomenal and beautiful opportunity to talk to our children about how we treat others.

A good kids’ version of the Book of Ruth is hard to find, but here are the important notes. There are three main characters: Ruth, Naomi and Boaz. Each of them, in different ways, provides us with a literary example of kindness, charity and loyalty. Read more…

This re-post is courtesy of, where it was originally posted.

By Lisa Samick
Lisa is the Director of Early Childhood Education at the Brooklyn Heights Synagogue. She also is pursuing her PhD in Jewish Early Childhood Education at New York University. She lives with her daughter on the Upper East Side.

Feature photo by Danny Sternfeld

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