A Letter From the CEO: After Texas

A Letter From the CEO: After Texas

We need to call this hatred what it is and call on those who are not Jewish to do the same. As history has taught us, we do not have a choice.

Looking Back, Looking Forward: 2021 in Review

Looking Back, Looking Forward: 2021 in Review

We are astounded by the generosity, resilience, and selflessness we witnessed this past year.

Repairing the World: An Interview with Jeff Adberg, JFS Volunteer

Repairing the World: An Interview with Jeff Adberg, JFS Volunteer

If we really acknowledge how much we have—and how little we need to give in order to make a big difference—it’s a no-brainer.

Introducing Rabbi Laura Rumpf

Introducing Rabbi Laura Rumpf

Meet Rabbi Laura Rumpf, our new Jewish educator!

A Message From Our Acting CEO

A Message From Our Acting CEO

Sharing that I work at JFS has led to unexpected and wonderful conversations with strangers and friends alike about their own connections to Judaism.

Echoes From the Canyon: A Message From Our CEO

Echoes From the Canyon: A Message From Our CEO

I am more convinced than ever for the need to create more space for reflection and conversation—to understand the lived experiences that mold opinions.

Jewish Family Service

JFS is a 501(c)(3)

(206) 461-3240