Claudia Berman Retires as Pivotal COO

Claudia Berman Retires as Pivotal COO

After 17 years with JFS, Chief Operating Officer Claudia Berman will retire at end of the year. During her tenure, Berman managed pivotal program transitions and helped coordinate construction of a new Capitol Hill campus to better support clients. “Claudia’s service to our community is truly unmatched,” said Rabbi Will Berkovitz, Chief Executive Officer. “She…

What Happens Now?

What Happens Now?

“What happens now?” was the question my children asked me last night as I was putting them to bed. “What can we do? What will we do?” We can hold our place while not denying others theirs. We can walk with the vulnerable so they know they are not alone. We can be a place…

Give 2, Provide 10 for the JFS Food Drive

Give 2, Provide 10 for the JFS Food Drive

JFS has some unconventional math for this year’s Food Drive. And it’s 1 + 1 = 10. Because each month, two bags of food equal about 10 meals for every household that visits the Polack Food Bank. That’s why this year, JFS is asking participants to Give 2. If you are able, please consider donating…

We No Longer Have the Luxury to Simply Remember

We No Longer Have the Luxury to Simply Remember

At this time of unimaginable and all too familiar sadness and horror, we no longer have the luxury of simply remembering the victims. We no longer have the privilege to send only thoughts to the loved ones. We no longer have the freedom to catch our breath and thank God that even more mothers, fathers,…

We Must Not Lock Our Doors on Refugees out of Blind Fear

We Must Not Lock Our Doors on Refugees out of Blind Fear

I was at Disneyland when Paris was attacked. My daughter was waiting to take her picture with Mickey Mouse when the number of dead started being reported. By the time we got to the “It’s a Small World” ride, I received an email asking why the Jewish social-services agency I lead would resettle Muslim refugees….

Appreciation & Welcome for Our Board

Appreciation & Welcome for Our Board

Jewish Family Service is fortunate to have a longstanding tradition of community involvement and passionate volunteerism that supports our client-centered work. The JFS Board of Directors consists of up to 32 key volunteer leaders who steward the agency in accordance with its mission. Board work is focused on governance, strategic planning and fiduciary accountability. Board…

Jewish Family Service

JFS is a 501(c)(3)

(206) 461-3240