HIAS Refugee Shabbat 5780-2020

HIAS Refugee Shabbat 5780-2020

HIAS Refugee Shabbat 5780, which will take place on March 20-21, 2020, is a moment for congregations, organizations, and individuals around the country to dedicate a Shabbat experience to refugees and asylum seekers. This special Shabbat has even gone international with communities in Canada, Europe, and around the world taking part. In observance of this…

JFS Secures Relief for Refugees Left Behind by Refugee Ban

JFS Secures Relief for Refugees Left Behind by Refugee Ban

We are thrilled to share the wonderful news that JFS has reached a very favorable and historic settlement in our lawsuit challenging the refugee ban issued in October 2017. The ban imposed restrictions on refugees, including suspending the admission of refugees to the United States from 11 countries, as well as family members of refugees…

New Office Offers Hope and Momentum for Refugees and Immigrants

New Office Offers Hope and Momentum 
for Refugees and Immigrants

For over 125 years, Jewish Family Service has been welcoming refugees and immigrants who need our help as they establish their lives in our community. Now, JFS will continue and expand this work in brand-new offices in South King County. And we threw a party to celebrate! On November 19, community partners,  elected officials, Board and…

Coat Drive for Resettled Refugees

Coat Drive for Resettled Refugees

When you purchase and donate new winter coats, you’ll provide resettled refugees a necessity they do not have when they arrive and one that is too expensive to purchase. Here’s how you can help! What should I donate? New, warm, waterproof or water-resistant, winter coats. We need children’s, women’s and men’s. Small and medium are…

JFS Citizenship Classes Provide Engaging Lessons in Civic Integration and Community

JFS Citizenship Classes Provide Engaging Lessons in Civic Integration and Community

Learning to navigate life in the U.S. can be daunting for newly arrived refugees and immigrants. It means learning the social mores and customs of an entirely new community and, for many, a new language. Some may want to become citizens which entails passing a rigorous citizenship exam. The experience can be daunting—and that’s why…

You can help a refugee or immigrant family by donating home essentials.

You can help a refugee or immigrant family by donating home essentials.

JFS helps immigrants and refugees establish new lives in the Puget Sound region. As part of resettlement, JFS assists families in finding and setting up their first American home. When you donate a gift box or boxes of household items, you help a resettling family with the essentials for their new home. This volunteer activity…

Jewish Family Service

JFS is a 501(c)(3)

(206) 461-3240