Inhabiting the Soul of a Stranger: Ways to Help Refugees This Passover and Beyond

Inhabiting the Soul of a Stranger: Ways to Help Refugees This Passover and Beyond

This Passover season, may we help each other welcome and know the soul of the stranger, and may we remember our stories of freedom are intertwined.

Paula Selis & Jon Fine: 30 Years of Caring for JFS

Paula Selis & Jon Fine: 30 Years of Caring for JFS

Paula Selis and Jon Fine truly embody the idea of a “community of caring.” We interviewed Paula and Jon, our 2022 luncheon co-chairs, to learn more.

Survivors of Abuse Deserve Flexible Financial Support

Survivors of Abuse Deserve Flexible Financial Support

When survivors leave abusive relationships, they often start at ground zero. Flexible financial assistance can help tremendously.

How We Can Support Ukrainian Jews and Non-Jews Right Now

How We Can Support Ukrainian Jews and Non-Jews Right Now

With your help, JFS will continue to be a light in the darkness for Ukrainian Jews.

A message on Ukraine.

A message on Ukraine.

We remain committed to serving the Ukrainian community (both Jewish and non-Jewish alike) as we have done for more than 50 years.

Walking the Path from Grief to Hope

Walking the Path from Grief to Hope

Today’s societal anger and divisiveness may be what it looks like when we collectively try and bury the pain of loss rather than address it.  

Jewish Family Service

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(206) 461-3240