Domestic Violence Legal Services

Domestic Violence Legal Services

If you or someone you know is being abused, contact Project DVORA at (206) 861-3159. Domestic violence legal services are in short supply in the Puget Sound region. Liz Coleclough, Director of Project DVORA and Counseling & Addiction Services, sat down with us to talk about a new service to help address the needs of…

Thanks for Supporting Food Security for All

Thanks for Supporting Food Security for All

There’s more dignity, justice and food security for all thanks to our generous community and the successful 2018 Community-Wide Food Drive. 263 volunteers and staff sorted, boxed and organized about 2,050 grocery bags of food and toiletries during the culminating Food Sort on September 30. Donations will help feed and support about 1,300 households who turn to the JFS Polack Food Bank each…

H2R and JFS Help People Take the Step to Stable Housing

H2R and JFS Help People Take the Step to Stable Housing

H2R is here for families like John* and Mae*. John lost his longtime job and steady paycheck. His wife, Mae, is physically unable to work and receives disability benefits. After losing his job, John took employment when he could, but wasn’t able to find the same level of pay. The drastic loss in income finally…

It’s Not About the Baskets, It’s About the Company

It’s Not About the Baskets, It’s About the Company

Learn more about volunteering with JFS. Like old friends greeting one another, warm smiles are exchanged before Richard Gumpert and his wife Evie share a JFS holiday basket with Anna. This exchange is about more than a holiday gift basket. It is about company and conversation. “We are happy that you don’t forget us,” Anna…

Becoming a U.S. Citizen Opened the World to Me

Becoming a U.S. Citizen Opened the World to Me

Ta Kwe Say, Resettlement Case Manager, delivered these remarks to U.S. citizens at the naturalization ceremony that was part of ARTvocacy. It is my honor and privilege to be here today with you as you become U.S. citizens. I know each of you has had a long journey that brought you here today. I am…

JFS Soccer Team Brings Refugees Together

JFS Soccer Team Brings Refugees Together

Editor’s note: This story was originally published by HIAS. “Anyone can play, our demographic is very diverse,” Ta Kwe Say proudly tells “We have players from Congo, players from Vietnam, a player from Somalia, a player from Iraq and Iran. We have players from Burma, and even different ethnic groups from within Burma like…

Jewish Family Service

JFS is a 501(c)(3)

(206) 461-3240