An Act of Solidarity and of Kindness

An Act of Solidarity and of Kindness

CEO Will Berkovitz’s remarks from the vigil for Pittsburgh and the Tree of Life Congregation on Monday, October 29, 2018. You can watch the full vigil here. Your presence here tonight is an act of solidarity and of kindness. People are afraid. Afraid that our country’s light is dimming, our democracy is fading, that we are…

Pittsburgh Shooting Won’t Change Our Resolve to Help

Pittsburgh Shooting Won’t Change Our Resolve to Help

The shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh on Saturday, October 27, 2018, was a hate crime. We mourn this tragedy, and once again, we find ourselves grieving an unnecessary loss of life — people being killed for who they are. Sadly, as we know based on the killer’s social media posts, this horrid act was…

Addiction Services Meet People Where They Are

Addiction Services Meet People Where They Are

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction and looking for help, please contact our Intake & Assessment Specialist at or (206) 461-3240. Director of Counseling & Addiction Services Liz Coleclough sat down with us to discuss support available for individuals and families affected by addiction. What is addiction? Adapting from the American Psychiatric Association’s…

Domestic Violence Legal Services

Domestic Violence Legal Services

If you or someone you know is being abused, contact Project DVORA at (206) 861-3159. Domestic violence legal services are in short supply in the Puget Sound region. Liz Coleclough, Director of Project DVORA and Counseling & Addiction Services, sat down with us to talk about a new service to help address the needs of…

Thanks for Supporting Food Security for All

Thanks for Supporting Food Security for All

There’s more dignity, justice and food security for all thanks to our generous community and the successful 2018 Community-Wide Food Drive. 263 volunteers and staff sorted, boxed and organized about 2,050 grocery bags of food and toiletries during the culminating Food Sort on September 30. Donations will help feed and support about 1,300 households who turn to the JFS Polack Food Bank each…

National Refugee Shabbat and JFS Coat Drive

National Refugee Shabbat and JFS Coat Drive

What is National Refugee Shabbat? National Refugee Shabbat (October 19 – 20) is a moment for congregations, organizations and individuals around the country to create a Shabbat, or other meaningful experience, dedicated to refugees. JFS is coordinating with HIAS on this effort and also working to support the efforts of individuals and groups in the…

Jewish Family Service

JFS is a 501(c)(3)

(206) 461-3240