Justice, Compassion and Domestic Abuse

Justice, Compassion and Domestic Abuse

Several years ago, a friend urgently needed to extricate herself from an abusive relationship. She knew that her spouse would use the legal system to further humiliate and abuse her. He potentially had the power to take their children from her. The fear of what could happen in a courtroom kept her in the relationship…

Fall Volunteering With JFS

Fall Volunteering With JFS

Looking for fall volunteering opportunities? JFS can use your help with the following events and supportive opportunities that directly benefit our clients and community. Contact Volunteer Services today to begin the process and find the fall volunteering that’s right for you! Please note that openings and needs may change with time. Make Centerpiece Baskets Weekdays During Business…

Food Drive Partnerships & the Super Baggie Challenge

Food Drive Partnerships & the Super Baggie Challenge

It’s time to prepare for a Super Food Drive and a Super Baggie Challenge to go with it. As the 2018 Community-Wide Food Drive officially begins with announcements from congregations at Rosh Hashanah, JFS is asking partners to participate in a Super Baggie Challenge to raise 10 percent more in donations than last year. Partnering…

Domestic Violence and the Justice System

Domestic Violence and the Justice System

Domestic violence and the justice system are the focus of “Crime After Crime,” a documentary that follows one survivor’s story. Six months. That’s how long pro bono attorney Joshua Safran thought it would take to free Deborah Peagler from prison. That’s how long filmmaker Yoav Potash thought he would spend documenting Deborah’s story. Despite a…

The High Holidays With JFS

The High Holidays With JFS

Prepare for a new year and the High Holidays by getting involved with Jewish Family Service and learning about what we have to offer for the community.

Ruling Allows Refugee Ban Lawsuit to Proceed

Ruling Allows Refugee Ban Lawsuit to Proceed

On July 27, 2018, District Court Judge James Robart issued a decision allowing plaintiffs to seek certain discovery in Jewish Family Service v. Trump, that challenges the Trump administration’s refugee ban issued on October 24, 2017. This decision will allow the plaintiffs to find out whether the suspensions in the refugee resettlement process are continuing…

Jewish Family Service

JFS is a 501(c)(3)

(206) 461-3240